We all need affordable, all-day access to food! That’s why the food services provided by the Studierendenwerk are so essential.
From the Juri§hop and Campo- and Hofgarten-Mensa to the food trucks, Bonn offers a diverse range of food options—but they’re not available everywhere. Last year, we pushed for the addition of another food truck, but more is needed. The Studierendenwerk’s food services must be available at every university location. Adding another food truck is essential to ensure regular service at remote campuses on multiple days each week.
It’s also time to rethink the operating hours of existing facilities. Students aren’t just on campus during regular daytime hours—they’re there at all times of the day and need access to food in the evening, too. We demand extended hours for food services at the cafeterias and the Juri§hop, such as an evening stew option served from 5:00 to 8:00 PM.
Affordable pricing remains crucial. The €1 stew must stay, and students in difficult financial situations need access to quality food. That’s why we aim to continue initiatives like the “Freitisch” program for financially struggling students in 2025. Warm meals and healthy eating should never have to compete with paying rent or succeeding in academics.
More and more students are adopting vegan or vegetarian diets, and the availability of non-meat options must reflect this shift. We want plant-based meals to be available every day, with more variety and accessibility. This means expanding the range of vegan and vegetarian options at every Studierendenwerk location and ensuring they’re offered at all times.